Sunday, 24 April 2011


For our filming we wanted a day in which the weather was very dull, and slightly rainy. This was to help set the mood of our film and also keep with the likely weather conditions within Russia. However we could not get all the extras to be available for the suitable weather conditions, so we had to just film when we could. As we started filming we were faced with some obstacles that we had to overcome. We eventually ended up having to the main block of the filming on a sunny day, which was not orginally intended but it was the only time it was possible. However once we had got the main proportion of the filming complete and started to piece some shots together in the editing phase, we found we were missing some crucial linking shots. This meant we had to go out and film again,but we could not get the same actors and we could not get the
same weather conditions. We were forced to film what we could on the day, the shots we filmed were a shot of the main character lighting up a cigarette and walking on, this allowed the the shots of the charcter walking to flow into one another.

We were also faced with issues of props, we had very limited props in comparison to what we would of wanted. However we could not get hold of them, this forced us to come up with new ideas for shots, for example,orignally we  wanted a shot of a tent in which the chacter was in but we could not get a tent that would look right for our film, so instead we had to use plain bed sheets to imply that there was a tent present.

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